
Winter Is Coming = Immune Boosting Tonics

About a week ago, on two separate occasions, I stumbled upon several social media posts about homemade tonics you can make to boost your immune system. I felt a prompting in my spirit to do some research for my own personal use. For one, winter is coming which means cold and flu season and two, my immune system is not nearly as strong as it should be. One night of insufficient sleep and I can feel my immune system spiral into a downward trajectory. Unfortunately for me, I dismissed the nudging in my spirit on both occasions. 

Fast-forward a week later, as I write this post, I literally feel the beginning stages of a cold coming on. You know the feeling, head feels a bit groggy, a tickle in the back of the throat, preluding to possibly a sore throat. I can't help but wonder if all of this stems from the one night earlier this week where I stayed up till 3 am in the morning working. Surprising, no? I also wonder perhaps the nudging I felt in my spirit was foretelling the possible predicament that I'm in right now. Perhaps, if I listened to my gut then and started taking something a week ago to boost my immune system, I wouldn't be currently feeling the onslaught of cold like symptoms. The moral of the story, self-care is important and never disregard that still small voice within, whose sole purpose is to guide and protect you. 

Here I am today, desperate to nip this in the bud, I'm revisiting those postings which shows how the combination of many, mostly everyday kitchen ingredients can boost your immune system. Here's a recipe I've found below and decided to try.

  • 1 handful of garlic cloves
  • 1 handful of chopped onion                                                   
  • 1 handful of chopped ginger
  • 1 handful of chopped horseradish (couldn't find this so I omitted)
  • 2 habanero peppers chopped
  • 2 pieces of turmeric chopped
  • Raw apple cider vinegar

    I mixed all the ingredients together in a bowl with the exception of the vinegar, filled up an empty glass jar once used to hold honey,  3/4 of the way and poured in the raw apple cider vinegar. The instructions stated to let it sit for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place and strain and drink a tablespoon a day to keep cold and flu symptoms away. I took a tablespoon right away along with a few other home remedies in an attempt to keep my cold symptoms at bay. Obviously, this is not the best tasting tonic. The ingredients are wonderful as "stand-aloners" but mixed together... well.. not so much. I find mixing in a little raw honey with each dosage does the trick or perhaps mixing your daily tablespoon in with your morning smoothie could work as well. 

    Has anyone tried this before? Does it actually work or am I drinking this in vain? What are your own home DIY remedies do you use to combat cold and flu season?




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