News — Dry Skin
These Super Fruits Will Enhance The Look And Feel Of Your Skin Today!
The ingredients in our newest product are among some of the world’s most powerful superfruits: Soursop, Acerola, and Acai Berry. Here are some basic facts about some of the tropical super fruits found in the Neroli Isle Face Elixir: Soursop Grown in Central America, South America, the Caribbean, and other tropical regions around the world, Soursop (aka Graviola, aka Guanabana, aka Corossol) is a large, green oval or heart-shaped tropical fruit with thorny skin. Soursop is rich in vitamin C, packed with antioxidants, and loaded with folate, niacin, thiamin, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and fiber. It has been used as a...
When Two Is Better Than One/Layering Your Moisturizers
For all my dry skin beauties, the cold winter weather can wreck havoc on our skin. A great tip to keep ashy, itchy skin at bay during the winter months is to layer your moisturizers. Always moisturize after bathing or showering when your skin is slightly damp. It’s easy to incorporate this into your morning routine by applying a light moisturizer like our bath and body oils, first. Allow the oil to penetrate your skin while you pour yourself a cup of coffee or do your hair. Once dry, apply a more nutrient rich, plant butter based product such as our...